Call for Participation: #OpenVMS Month being sponsored by HP Connect and VMS SIG 
Monday, February 1, 2010, 04:49 AM
Posted by Administrator
HP Connect is sponsoring "OpenVMS Month" and it is NOW, February 2010!

We are looking for people in the OpenVMS Community as well as any vendors who have something to share with the rest of us and would like to do it YESTERDAY! That's right NOW! HP Connect is looking to host webinars, develop and distribute podcasts and provide forums for videos all focused on OpenVMS and its associated products, services, uses and operation.

If you have a presentation ready to go and are just in need of an environment we need to talk to you so you can present this information next week or maybe in two weeks.

If you can bring together a presentation or webinar in the next week or so come talk to us as well so we can schedule you before the end of the month!

Yes, this is short notice. Hey, we at least have had a bit of time to pull this together. HP-UX hardly got any notice and January was their month.

Contact us to help move this along! Send email to us here.


John Apps
Kees denHartigh
Tom Heim, Jr.
Bill Pedersen
Michelle Popejoy
Bill Thomas

The "unofficial" OpenVMS Month Coordinating Committee.
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GNV - GNU is NOT (Open)VMS - #OpenVMS Webinars 3 Feb 2010 
Friday, January 29, 2010, 08:39 PM
Posted by Administrator
On 3 February 2010 the HP Office of OpenVMS Programs will present: “GNV". This will be delivered by HP's OpenVMS engineering team. This is the fourth in the current series of webinars being presented by the HP Office of OpenVMS Programs and kicks off "OpenVMS Month" sponsored by HP Connect and the OpenVMS SIG.

GNV stands for "GNU is NOT (Open)VMS". GNV provides the important subset of UNIX/Linux/POSIX software to port UNIX open source applications to OpenVMS

The agenda is:

1. What is GNV?

2. Differences between GNV and Unix Environments

3. How to Use GNV

4. How does GNV work

5. Tips and Tricks

The HP Office of OpenVMS Programs is conducting these webinars in two time zones to cover all of you across the globe. The procedures are the basically same for connecting to either webinar but the links go to different "events" so pick the time you want to attend and follow the link of your choice.

The first webinar is at 08:30 UTC/03:30 EST.

The two step procedure to join the webinar is:-

1. You join the virtual classroom by going to this web page.

2. The telephone bridge line details are available here and you can dial the line that is relevant to your country and join in the audio. The conference code is 3467391155

The second webinar is at 15:30 UTC/10:30 EST.

The two step procedure to join the webinar is:-

1. You join the virtual classroom by going to this web page.

2. The telephone bridge line details are available here and you can dial the line that is relevant to your country and join in the audio. The conference code is 3467391155

To test your setup ahead of your event, please use the following link:

The HP OpenVMS Programs Office looks forward to seeing you in the virtual classroom on the 20th of January. If you have any queries, please write to


This is a great webinar to kick of the HP Connect OpenVMS Month. Watch for more announcements SOON regarding OpenVMS Month events. We are working on many webinars to be delivered this month by HP, the OpenVMS Community and OpenVMS Partners.

Keep spreading the word! Support and use OpenVMS!



This page was updated on 31 January 2010 to reflect a change in the key for the webinar at 08:30 UTC. All other details remain the same.
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Mimer SQL Database on #OpenVMS - Technical Webinars 20 January 2010 
Monday, January 11, 2010, 02:14 PM
Posted by Administrator
On the 20th of January HP Office of OpenVMS Programs in conjunction with Mimer Information Technology present:- “The Mimer SQL DBMS on OpenVMS". This is delivered by HP's OpenVMS Partner Mimer. Many of you may already be aware of Mimer as many of HP's customers are using this database on OpenVMS. The presenter is Stephen Eck. The agenda for the presentation is below:-


The Mimer company
VAX => Alpha => Integrity
Mimer SQL: “Born VMS”

Some Mimer customers on OpenVMS

Cross platform

Enterprise & desktop
Mobile & Embedded

Some Mimer SQL features

100% standard SQL
Zero maintenance
Non-locking concurrency control
Automatic database reorganization
Heterogeneous client/server
Multi lingual support
Immediate restart

Mimer SQL on OpenVMS

Multi threaded server
Database cache
Disk I/O

The HP Office of OpenVMS Programs is conducting these webinars in two time zones to cover all of you across the globe. The procedures are the basically same for connecting to either webinar but the links go to different "events" so pick the time you want to attend and follow the link of your choice.

The first webinar is at 08:30 UTC/03:30 EST.

The two step procedure to join the webinar is:-

1. You join the virtual classroom by going to this web page.

2. The telephone bridge line details are available here and you can dial the line that is relevant to your country and join in the audio. The conference code is 3467391155

The second webinar is at 15:30 UTC/10:30 EST.

The two step procedure to join the webinar is:-

1. You join the virtual classroom by going to this web page.

2. The telephone bridge line details are available here and you can dial the line that is relevant to your country and join in the audio. The conference code is 3467391155

To test your setup ahead of your event, please use the following link:

The HP OpenVMS Programs Office looks forward to seeing you in the virtual classroom on the 20th of January. If you have any queries, please write to


I look forward to this next webinar in the current series of OpenVMS Technical Webinars being presented and coordinated by the HP Office of OpenVMS Programs. I have found the previous sessions interesting and informative and hope you participate here as well.

Keep spreading the word!


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LDAP on #OpenVMS - Two Webinars - 16 December 2009 
Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 02:19 PM
Posted by Administrator
As a continuation of the education and communications initiative by the Office of OpenVMS Programs there are a pair of webinars being held next week, Wednesday 16 December 2009. The early webinar is at 3:30 AM EST and the later webinar is at 10:30 AM EST.

Topic :- LDAP Authentication on OpenVMS. This session will cover detail on configuring LDAP ACME.

These webinars are being delivered at two times to cover all of you across the globe. If you hail from Asia Pacific and Japan or some part of Europe, Middle East and Africa the early webinar may be of interest to you, this is at 2:00 PM India time (08:30 UTC). For the Americas there is the later webinar, this later one is at 9:00 PM India time (15:30 UTC/10:30 EST).

Please choose the convenient time zone for yourself.

The two step procedure to join the webinar is:-

1. You can join the virtual classroom by Clicking on the appropriate link:

For the early webinar click here.

For the later webinar click here.

2. The telephone bridge line details are available here and you can dial the line that is relevant to your country and join in the audio. The conference code is 3467391155

To test your setup ahead of your event, please use the following link:

The Office of OpenVMS Programs, Sujatha Ramani and I look forward to seeing you there!

Keep spreading the word about OpenVMS!


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Spreading the word about #OpenVMS with RSS feeds 
Monday, December 7, 2009, 09:45 PM
Posted by Administrator
More and more our our content regarding OpenVMS is becoming available in syndicated format using RSS. This will allow you and others to easily place ongoing content and discussions on your web sites to make it easy for your customers and clients to check on what is happening in the many different segments of our OpenVMS Community. This blog for instance has an RSS feed and is currently available on the HP Connect Community web site under the Technology Group: Growing OpenVMS: a grassroots program.

Additionally the DECUServe/ENCOMPASServe Notes Conferences have just recently become available as an RSS feed. Among the Notes sessions available hear are:

Porting to OpenVMS
OpenVMS and Utilities

and more... Just click on the link, select the Notes session and then you can click on the 'RSS' next to 'Read:' near the top in the middle of the screen. This will give you the address or you can select your reader or feed page. You can select at the topic level or the entry level.

Other RSS feeds in the OpenVMS Community include:

comp.os.vms via Google with choice of message or topic display

VMS-SIG Listserv you can select type feed you need or just present the archive access

OpenVMS on Twitter

OpenVMS Friends at Yahoo! a discussion on Yahoo!

And there are more... As we get the correct and accurate RSS feed addresses we will post that information here. As you come across RSS feeds in the OpenVMS Community, why not post them back here as a comment to this blog entry. That way we can build a database of the RSS feeds related to OpenVMS.

Keep spreading the word about OpenVMS!


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