Monday, April 18, 2016, 08:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
We hold a conference call on the THIRD Thursday of each month. The calls alternate between 08:00 EDT/EST and 23:00 EDT/EST. This call this month, April 2016, is this Thursday, 21 April at 23:00 EDT.Posted by Administrator
You can join the call by accessing the conference:
The access is via VOIP or by using Skype or some other calling program. There is only ONE telephone number is the US or the web interface. The web interface will also allow us to give webinars or discuss items and show information. To access the system:
Or by phone
Dial: (712) 832-8330
Access Code: 2041583
Additional telephone numbers
are available internationally:
Australia: (08) 9520 3110
Austria: 0820 444599
Austria – Mobile: 0820 987601
Belgium: 02 808 76 34
Canada: 867 292 3030
Estonia: 609 4175
Finland: 09 74790416
Germany: 0211 95987102
Hungary: (1) 848 0439
Ireland: (01) 437 0588
Latvia: 67 652 298
Lithuania: (8-5) 207 8094
Netherlands: 020 262 1918
Poland: 22 116 86 89
South Africa: 087 195 0685
Ukraine: 089 320 2487
United Kingdom: 0330 010 1990
The web interface is known to work best with Chrome and it also supports Firefox. No mention of Internet Explorer.
You can catch up on prior conference calls on the VMS-Ports SourceForge Project at:
See you there!