Sunday, May 30, 2010, 10:41 PM
Posted by Administrator
Many things are going on for the OpenVMS Community this Summer. HPTF will host the launch of OpenVMS Version 8.4. This newest version of OpenVMS is just the latest of releases since the introduction of VAX-11 VMS in October 1977. A great ride of almost 33 years - and a lot yet to come.Posted by Administrator
HPTF, the Hewlett-Packard Technology Forum is THE most prestigious event annually for HP. It is an honor that OpenVMS Version 8.4 is being launched in June at this event in Las Vegas. Among the sessions dedicated to OpenVMS at HPTF are the following:
1788 Introduction to SDA by viewing OpenVMS Process Internals
Advanced OpenVMS users who require an understanding of the System Dump Analyzer (SDA) and OpenVMS process at an internals level will want to participate in this hands-on workshop.
In addition to basic SDA commands and process internals, the workshop will use SDA to examine process internals and scheduling. Topics include introduction to the System Dump Analyzer (SDA), process creation, process data structures and relationships, Kernel Threads, locating Process Data Structures, SYSGEN Parameters related to Process Data Structures, mapping to Process Virtual Address Space, and analyzing Process Data Structures using SDA.
Speaker: * Wayne Sauer CEO, PARSEC Group
1789 Using Free Tools to Analyze OpenVMS Performance
This session will help you find free OpenVMS performance analysis tools and show you how to download, install and configure them.Learn how to use T4, TDC, ECP, Monitor and Accounting to view, measure, analyze, track and improve OpenVMS system performance.
Speaker: * Wayne Sauer CEO, PARSEC Group
1790 Understanding the Integrity Console
If you’ve had to deal with the HP Integrity console you know it’s nothing like an Alpha console.This session will review the features of the Integrity server console, show you how to use them and explain how to configure an Integrity console to boot OpenVMS.
Speaker: * Wayne Sauer CEO, PARSEC Group
1846 Using an IP Network as an OpenVMS Cluster Interconnect
In the past, OpenVMS Cluster communications required a bridged (Layer 2) LAN connection, and cluster communications could not be routed through an IP network. This session describes how to use the new capability in OpenVMS Version 8.4 of using an IP network as a native OpenVMS Cluster interconnect.
Learn about the capabilities added to OpenVMS to support using IP as a native cluster interconnect and how to set up an OpenVMS cluster to use IP as its cluster interconnect. Discover promising application areas for this new capability and find out about the performance, system overhead, and availability expectations for IP as a cluster interconnect.
Speaker: * Keith Parris Systems/Software Engineer, HP
1847 Using Shadowsets With More Than 3 Members
In the past, OpenVMS Host-Based Volume Shadowing had a limit of three members in a shadowset. In OpenVMS Version 8.4, shadowsets can contain up to six members. This session describes potential applications for this new capability and factors to consider in its adoption and use.
Learn what changes were made to allow this expanded support, how this new capability can be applied to best advantage, and the effects on availability and performance of having more than three members in a shadowset.
Speaker: * Keith Parris Systems/Software Engineer, HP
1848 Case Studies of Disaster Tolerance and Disaster Recovery with OpenVMS
This session describes recent user experiences with OpenVMS disaster-tolerant and disaster recovery configurations, outlines underlying needs, the approaches chosen, and the results achieved.
Learn about industry trends that are driving OpenVMS DT and DR solutions, approaches that are working, and the techniques and technologies being used.
Speaker: * Keith Parris Systems/Software Engineer, HP
1884 Launch, Strategy and Roadmap: With OpenVMS Your Future IS Secure
Welcome to the official launch of OpenVMS 8.4 on Integrity and Alpha systems. OpenVMS is known for delivering high availability, scalability, reliability, security and industry-leading cluster technology.
Find out how OpenVMS v8.4 raises the bar with Virtualization support, clusters over IP, improved disaster tolerance with six shadow sets, and much more. Future strategy/roadmap plans for OpenVMS will be shared.
Speaker: * Shobha Benakatti Director, OpenVMS, Hewlett Packard
1887 OpenVMS 8.4 on Tukwila Quad Core 9300 – Blazing Performance
This session provides an overview of OpenVMS on new Integrity Servers including supported configurations and release dates, performance and price benchmarks, scalability and overall performance.
Speaker: * Prashanth Kagganti HP
1888 System management on OpenVMS
Get an overview of System Management offerings on OpenVMS and understand the system management roadmap, including OpenView offerings.
Speaker: * Mandar Chitale Global Lead, Office of OpenVMS Customer Programs, HP
1891 OpenVMS as a Guest on HPVM
Learn about workload configuration, sizing HP Integrity server, and how many instances of OpenVMS can run for a given workload. Understand how to install and configure HP-UX, HP Virtual Machines, and the OpenVMS guest, including managing the environment.
Speaker: * Mandar Chitale Global Lead, Office of OpenVMS Customer Programs, HP
* Narayanan N Technical Consultant, Hewlett-Packard
1945 Best Practices for OpenVMS System Management for the 21st Century
OpenVMS is an incredibly robust and rugged computing environment -- able to withstand many types of failures, allowing for continuous database and application access. However, failures can and do occur -- often the result of neglect or mismanagement. Do you have "Peace of Mind” that your VMS systems are adequately maintained, and that you are able to prevent failures and efficiently recover should a failure occur?OpenVMS is often running applications that are critical to the businesses they support. Yet, they are often only small part of their IT departments, often relegated to second tier status and lacking adequate staff and maintenance. Worse yet, they may have been left in a corner and nearly forgotten…until the application fails and disrupts business.
This session discusses proven methodologies and best practice for VMS system management that virtually eliminates downtime while maintaining exceptional performance – with minimal or no VMS knowledgeable staff. We will discusses real-world experiences that have caused outages or disruptions to production environments and more importantly how to avoid these costly events by implementing pro-active, consistent and repeatable processes; Automated monitoring of all critical events; Redundant processes; Exception tracking and monitoring: All part of the infrastructure necessary in the 21st century OpenVMS environment to insure continuous availability.
Speaker: * Brad McCusker VP OpenVMS System Services, Software Concepts International
2945 OpenVMS SIG
Be sure to join this special community that focuses on OpenVMS. Build key relationships with other users as well as gain valuable education in the process. Sponsored by Connect, but open to all HP Technology Forum participants.
Speaker: * Greg Guthman Sr. OpenVMS Systems Manager, Quest Diagnostics Incorporated
AM3105 Disaster Tolerance and Disaster Recovery with OpenVMS
Discuss options, problems, and solutions related to using OpenVMS to achieve Disaster Tolerance and/or Disaster Recovery.Session
Speaker: * Keith Parris Systems/Software Engineer, HP
AM3112 OpenVMS Clusters
Discuss problems, issues, options, and solutions related to using OpenVMS Clusters for high availability, scalability, and investment protection
Speaker: * Keith Parris Systems/Software Engineer, HP
If you can you should make it a point to get to HPTF. Some good sessions and important presentations and announcements.
And then get your sights set on September. The 2010 Connect OpenVMS Bootcamp is being held 12-17 September in Nashua, New Hampshire. This is Connect's first time hosting this event. The process is moving ahead well - speaking as the Event Project Manager. It is a challenge for us as we are attempting to make this event THE OpenVMS Technical Event of 2010. We are on track to make this happen and are very thankful to all of those in the OpenVMS Community who are helping to make it so. Keep checking here and elsewhere on the Web where I post to get a feel for the content. You will be sorry if you miss this inaugural event.
Enough for now.
Have a pleasant Memorial Day Holiday (if you are from the USA). I understand the UK has their Spring Bank Holiday this weekend as well - enjoy!