Sunday, May 22, 2011, 12:11 AM
Posted by Administrator
Yes, that is right. The 2011 Connect OpenVMS Boot Camp will soon be here. The Boot Camp is scheduled for 18-22 September 2011 at the Sheraton Needham in Needham, Mass. Posted by Administrator
This is a new location for the Boot Camp. Instead of being located in Nashua, New Hampshire where it was born out of the VMS Ambassadors' Meetings the new venue is Southwest of Boston South of the I-95/Route 128 and I-90/Mass Pike Interchange. For those interested it is about half the distance from Logan International to the Sheraton Needham versus the prior trip up to the Radisson Nashua.
Planning is moving along nicely. The Call For Paper is on the Connect Worldwide website ( There are several interesting sessions already submitted.
Here is a peek at the current sessions:
- Using IP Networks as an OpenVMS Cluster Interconnect
- Using Perl to manage VMS systems
- A Method for Encrypted OpenVMS Network Backup
- Physical to virtual servers - From a technical and practical perspective
- OpenVMS Volume Shadowing Performance
- HP 3PAR Hands on Lab
- Using concealed devices and logical name tables for application environments.
- Long-Distance OpenVMS Cluster Update
- Improving OpenVMS security with System Detective
There will be a Pre-Conference Seminar on Sunday, 18 September, focusing on OpenVMS Performance Topics - more details on that soon.
We hope to see you in Needham in September!
I'll add more soon - promise.