Monday, September 6, 2010, 12:31 AM
Posted by Administrator
It is Sunday night...Posted by Administrator
Extra cables and parts and systems are loaded in the van, just in case...
Support systems for the Boot Camp.
Personal packing is done. Care package for the drive is getting put together. All the odds and ends to have - JUST IN CASE... Driving up so I have a car for the 10 days or so I am in Nashua.
Many things are still coming together and need to be sorted out over the next week:
- Equipment arrival
- A/V setup verification
- Equipment staging
- Network build and configuration
- Systems and Network Testing
- Presentation checking
- Last minute details which keep multiplying
- ...
- And of course the list goes on and on...
All of the things to get an technical conference off the ground and running for a week has to be planned and coordinated. We have a great team in the Program Committee:
- Sue Skonetski, Program Chairperson
- Michelle Popejoy, OpenVMS SIG Co-Chairperson
- Greg Guthman, Connect Board Member
- Gerrit Woertman, VMS Ambassador
- Ray Turner, VMS Ambassador
- Anders Johannson
- Kevin St George, Electricial Infrastructure
- Dave Schmidt
- Tom Moran, Network Infrastructure
- Signe Maximous, Partner Roundhouse Coordinator
- Kristi Browder, Connect Worldwide Executive Director
- Suzanne Jarl, Connect Marketing Director
- Shari Riddle, Connect Membership Liason
All of these people have helped bring this year's Boot Camp together and are working to lay the ground work for future events. They will also all be working to make sure the Boot Camp, Partner Roundhouse, OpenVMS Reunion and every other aspect of the event goes off without a hear.
Well, I still have much to do and still need to sleep tonight and head North.
See you in Nashua!