Monday, November 28, 2011, 04:02 AM
Posted by Administrator
Over the last year I have SLOWLY over the last 8 or 9 months been working toward getting a database running on OpenVMS which emulates Oracle Classic RDBMS but is based upon the Ingres Community Edition Relational Database with the help of an open source migration application called Shift2Ingres. Many things have gotten in the way. New contracts - great to have - they help pay for these sorts of projects - as well as food and clothing. And of course the 2011 Connect OpenVMS Boot Camp held in September where I gave two talks on this topic.Posted by Administrator
Well, more progress of the Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend. I took sort of a "bus man's holiday" and concentrated effort of getting further. Well, we are now about 75% of the way there. All of the tables are being created - a month ago there were 6 that were causing issues due to SQL syntax versus data names. All the SQL syntax issues are behind me for now.
we are migrating all the tables except for a couple. I need to do some work to handle large indices and debug an issue where the loading of data has some problems - most likely some issues with versions of software. The Shift2Ingres code is about 6 or 7 years old so there may be some issues with how it interfaces with current versions of Ingres.
Of course there are still PL/SQL translation issues but we have to get there first.
Well, I have to get back to consulting this next few days but what with the Christmas Holiday coming up I should be able to divert some of my energy to this very special project. On successful completion of this effort I will then have ported the open source ERP package OpenBravo to OpenVMS! In doing so I will have also implemented Ingres Version 10.1 on OpenVMS I64, Tomcat version 6.x, and Ant version 1.7 on OpenVMS.
Keep following this effort and we should have some nice news in the next 30 days or so.
Thanks for listening and thanks for keeping OpenVMS important!