Monday, December 7, 2009, 09:45 PM
Posted by Administrator
More and more our our content regarding OpenVMS is becoming available in syndicated format using RSS. This will allow you and others to easily place ongoing content and discussions on your web sites to make it easy for your customers and clients to check on what is happening in the many different segments of our OpenVMS Community. This blog for instance has an RSS feed and is currently available on the HP Connect Community web site under the Technology Group: Growing OpenVMS: a grassroots program.Posted by Administrator
Additionally the DECUServe/ENCOMPASServe Notes Conferences have just recently become available as an RSS feed. Among the Notes sessions available hear are:
Porting to OpenVMS
OpenVMS and Utilities
and more... Just click on the link, select the Notes session and then you can click on the 'RSS' next to 'Read:' near the top in the middle of the screen. This will give you the address or you can select your reader or feed page. You can select at the topic level or the entry level.
Other RSS feeds in the OpenVMS Community include:
comp.os.vms via Google with choice of message or topic display
VMS-SIG Listserv you can select type feed you need or just present the archive access
OpenVMS on Twitter
OpenVMS Friends at Yahoo! a discussion on Yahoo!
And there are more... As we get the correct and accurate RSS feed addresses we will post that information here. As you come across RSS feeds in the OpenVMS Community, why not post them back here as a comment to this blog entry. That way we can build a database of the RSS feeds related to OpenVMS.
Keep spreading the word about OpenVMS!