Spreading the word about #OpenVMS with RSS feeds 
Monday, December 7, 2009, 09:45 PM
Posted by Administrator
More and more our our content regarding OpenVMS is becoming available in syndicated format using RSS. This will allow you and others to easily place ongoing content and discussions on your web sites to make it easy for your customers and clients to check on what is happening in the many different segments of our OpenVMS Community. This blog for instance has an RSS feed and is currently available on the HP Connect Community web site under the Technology Group: Growing OpenVMS: a grassroots program.

Additionally the DECUServe/ENCOMPASServe Notes Conferences have just recently become available as an RSS feed. Among the Notes sessions available hear are:

Porting to OpenVMS
OpenVMS and Utilities

and more... Just click on the link, select the Notes session and then you can click on the 'RSS' next to 'Read:' near the top in the middle of the screen. This will give you the address or you can select your reader or feed page. You can select at the topic level or the entry level.

Other RSS feeds in the OpenVMS Community include:

comp.os.vms via Google with choice of message or topic display

VMS-SIG Listserv you can select type feed you need or just present the archive access

OpenVMS on Twitter

OpenVMS Friends at Yahoo! a discussion on Yahoo!

And there are more... As we get the correct and accurate RSS feed addresses we will post that information here. As you come across RSS feeds in the OpenVMS Community, why not post them back here as a comment to this blog entry. That way we can build a database of the RSS feeds related to OpenVMS.

Keep spreading the word about OpenVMS!


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Introduction to T4 and Friends - A Pair of #OpenVMS Technical Webinars 
Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 12:23 PM
Posted by Administrator
The HP Office of OpenVMS Programs is presenting a pair of technical webinars on 2 December 2009.

The Office of OpenVMS Programs has a large amount of information they want to deliver to you and they have so few occasions to meet you! Hence this new initiative to do webinars on OpenVMS technology content via virtual classrooms. The first OpenVMS technology webinar is scheduled for 2nd Dec 2009.

Topic :- Introduction to T4 and Friends. This session will cover the components of T4 and Friends , their usage and capabilities. It will also cover T4 as a performance analysis tool. This should be of interest to folks wanting to know more about Performance profiling on OpenVMS.

These webinars are being delivered in two time zones to cover all of you across the globe. If you hail from Asia Pacific and Japan or some part of Europe, Middle East and Africa the early webinar may be of interest to you, this is at 2:00 PM India time. For the Americas there is the later webinar, this later one is at 9:00 PM India time.

Please choose the convenient time zone for yourself.

The two step procedure to join the webinar is:-

1. You can join the virtual classroom by Clicking on the appropriate link:

For the early webinar click here.

For the later webinar click here.

2. The telephone bridge line details are available here and you can dial the line that is relevant to your country and join in the audio. The conference code is 3467391155

To test your setup ahead of your event, please use the following link:


The Office of OpenVMS Programs and I look forward to seeing you there!


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Why Choose #OpenVMS? Why SELL OpenVMS? 
Wednesday, November 4, 2009, 11:55 PM
Posted by Administrator
In a well crafted article on OpenVMS.org Bob Gezelter puts forth some excellent arguments for choosing OpenVMS as a development and delivery platform over other, currently popular environments. He presents the issues of stability, cost of ownership - especially operation, and seamless expandability. He also discusses the traits of OpenVMS in terms of some of the current "trendy" terms such as framework and virtualization.

These key, unique traits of OpenVMS are why you would choose it as your development and delivery platform. These traits are also what should be emphasized in the presentation of OpenVMS when selling to new customers or even those who have been away from OpenVMS for awhile.

The article can serve as a basis for WHY you would SELL OpenVMS rather than another computer environment to a customer. This is especially true for a customer looking for reliability, stability and seamless expandability in their computing environment. As Bob says, "If the telephone does not ring, we have succeeded...".

Yes, the article is technical in places - we support a technical environment - the arguments for or against an environment can get very technical. This information can and should be adapted by HP, the HP Community (Users, ISVs, VARs, Resellers, OEMs and Consultants) and others to help promote OpenVMS - still the BEST Operating System in the World!

Keep spreading the word!


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Getting into the schools EARLY... It could be #OpenVMS!!! 
Sunday, November 1, 2009, 08:12 PM
Posted by Administrator
I ran across this article while investigating a group mentioned on the HP Connect web site by Kees denHartigh - Kids On Computers. Well, Kids On Computers is currently working with a school in Mexico and has plans to help expand the exposure of students world wide to computers. They happen to be using Linux and other tools right now.

The above referenced article is my Chistian Einfeldt, an attorney in San Francisco helping to expose kids in an inner city school to computers. He is also using Linux.

But there is no reason this needs to be JUST Linux oriented. It could as easily be OpenVMS in a Non-Commercial/Educational environment. These are young kids who are learning about computers from the ground up and are happy to be getting the exposure and learning about internet and Open Source software.

This early exposure is going to go a long way to making these users comfortable with Linux. It could be used in a similar fashion for OpenVMS!

It is a matter of thinking a looking around the corner rather than just staying between the lines.

Keep spreading the word.



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More Listed Open Source on #OpenVMS Ports at OpenVMS.org 
Sunday, October 11, 2009, 09:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
In the last month or so since we started the discussions about Open Source on OpenVMS there have been an increase of listed Open Source ports on the OpenVMS.org website. THANK YOU! Yes, thank you to all who have been listening and reading for taking the time to post information about known ports. There have been at least NINE new listings generated in the last month or so - a 10% increase. We know that there are many other ports out there that need this exposure.

Please take a moment and review the list and then submit a new posting if you are aware of a package or application or utility that is not listed. This development of collective, common knowledge is important to our effort to expand interest and use of OpenVMS - contribute, comment and be involved.

Among the applications which are new to the Open Source posting page are:

Django 0.97
FontForge (all versions)
JasPer 1.900.1
wget 1.10.2c
X11VNC 0.9.4
xautolock 2.2
Xkeycaps 2.46
Xpdf 3.02

I have also taken it upon myself to submit listings for Info-Zip UNZIP/ZIP which have been around for a long time but which were not listed. I am sure there are other utilities and applications which need to be here. You probably know what they are and have all the information about them. Please, SHARE IT!

Thanks to all for keeping this moving along!

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