You want far more than just a system management and operations company.
All of our OpenVMS consultants are fully qualified, whether they are CCSS employees or contractors we work with on a regular basis. They have either held software services and engineering positions with Digital Equipment Corporation, Compaq or Hewlett Packard or have been involved with VAX, Alpha or Integrity hardware, software, and networking for over 20 years.
CCSS is also a strong player in the application support and development arena. If needed, custom device drivers are not a problem. Integration of OpenVMS with other operating systems is also fully supported.
We are very active in Open Source in the OpenVMS Community. We were the first to port the Ingres Community Edition 10.1 database to OpenVMS I64 Version 8.4.
Networking OpenVMS with other operating systems is a CCSS specialty. We integrate with most flavors of UNIX, Microsoft operating systems, IBM and others.
System management, operations management, project management, disaster recovery planning and implementation, as well as support services, are all offerings available from CCSS to you, the customer -- world wide.